President’s Message:  Chase Fulcher

Things continue to move forward for the Green River National Wildlife Refuge and the Friends of Green River National Wildlife Refuge group.  The Friends held another successful art auction event at the Farmer and Frenchman Winery on September 29th.  We were proud to have another great event; with the attendance of 45 people; at this great facility, we had wonderful food and excellent art work pieces.  We sold 9 of the 23 original pieces that were available for sale.  A great tip of the hat and great thanks goes to Jule McClellan for acting as the Arts Chair for this event for the Friends group; as well as the National Art Exhibit held at the Sullivan Center at Henderson Community College, later in the month.  She was one busy lady in September!!!  The art works on display at both events were outstanding!

At this event we took time to acknowledge three new Life Sponsors and we appreciate them greatly.  They are:  Bill Gentry; Evan and Allison Beck; and, Colette Loehrlein.  (Pictures below)   Their donations continue to grow the resources that the Friends group needs to have to be apply toward future projects on the ground with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the Green River National Wildlife Refuge.

Looking into the future; the USFWS has acquired some more lands as you will see in Michael Johnson’s report, (below); and, they are actively working with other willing sellers on other acquisitions to expand the footprint of the Refuge.   

The Friends began working with a new technical person David E. Meyers, (a former Henderson resident) on our website and hope to improve its content, expand its access and become a better communication tool to the public, in the future.  You will find that we have some of the art works from the 2022 event, as well as links to the USFWS websites and other information about the group.  You can find that at:

We need the community to be involved in this refuge and to tell us what activities that they would like to see the Friends group participate in?  In that regard, please tell you neighbors, friends and relatives about our group.  The word of mouth is the best communication method to increase our public involvement.   You will find a membership application is on the last page of this newsletter; please feel free to share this with anyone that you think would be interested in the Refuge and it being a vital part of the community.

The Service has a frequently updated map on their website to keep the public aware of acquisitions, information and activities. You can find it at:

As President I want to formally thank the Officers and Board Members for their time, input, active participation and guidance of the Friends group.   They understand the future value of this project to the community.  If you have an interest in becoming more involved please feel free to contact me or Mike Morton, his information is in the Secretary’s Report below.

Be thankful for the freedoms we enjoy and the opportunities for our future generations.

I thank you for your support of the Friends of Green River National Wildlife Refuge and wish you a safe holiday season.

Chase Fulcher, President

Friends of Green River National Wildlife Refuge